Indonesian Oxtongue Semur Recipe (Semur Lidah) » Indonesia Eats

HomeIndonesian FoodIndonesian Oxtongue Semur Recipe (Semur Lidah)February 9, 2009412ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddItEmailPrintTelegramMixLINE

Indonesian Stewed OxtongueAlthough nutmeg is native to Indonesia, it is not often used in cooking, except in beef, oxtail, or oxtongue soups or stews such as this semur lidah. Added by potato cubes into semur lidah, you can tell this dish was influenced by the Dutch.

Seeing a pack of fresh veal tongue at a halal store on Maryland street, made me happy. I finally could make semur lidah. This store supplies fresh meat (goat, lamb, beef, veal) every Thursday, I’m not too sure when the halal fresh chicken is coming to the store, but the store does have the frozen ones.

In the recipe, I supposed to use oxtongue, but I was curious how the veal tongue tasted. I browsed semur lidah recipe on internet and I chose to adapt Astri’s recipe of Keluarga Nugraha. The semur lidah turned really great, the same tasted as what I recalled when I was in my family’s house. Thanks, Astri! I just had to adjust a small numbers of some ingredients. Few recipes call for cinnamon, but I didn’t add any as I prefer had a combination cloves and nutmeg fragrant.

To eliminate my guilty feeling, I had this semur lidah with steamed brown rice, not white rice 😀

Semur Lidah
Recipe by Astri Nugraha, Adapted and translated by me

2 L (8 cups) water
600 g (1 ¼ lb) ox tongue (I used veal tongue), washed well
3 ea Indonesian bay leaves (salam leaves)
3 tbsp butter/margarine
1 tbsp olive oil
6 shallots, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 whole nutmeg, cracked or 1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
7 ea cloves
5 cherry tomatoes (tomat sambal), halved
500 mL (2 cup) homemade beef stock
1/4 cup Indonesian sweet soy sauce (I use kecap manis sedang/medium sweet)
1 mushroom soy sauce
2 medium size potatoes , peeled and 2 cm cubed
1 large carrot, peeled and cut as desired
ground white pepper to taste
fried shallots and other green stuff to garnish

1. In a heavy stockpot, bring to a boil water, veal tongue and salam leaves, reduce heat and simmer for approximately 1.5 -2 hours or until tongue is cooked and very tender. Ox-tongue will take a longer time to cook. If you use a pressure cooker, this process will be faster, around 20 minutes.
2. Plunge veal tongue into ice water and cool for 5 minutes. Peel skin off with a sharp knife. Slice veal tongue into 1 cm thick.
3. In a skillet/wok, combine butter and oilive oil, stir fry shallot, garlic, cloves, and nutmeg for 1 minute at medium-high temperature.
4. Add veal tongue slices, stir for 30 second.
5. Add beef stock/water, kecap manis, and mushroom soy sauce, stir.
6. Bring to boil, add potato and tomatoes reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
7. Add carrot and season with ground white pepper as desired; continue to simmer until all is cooked.
8. Garnish with fried shallots or green onion.

See also >>  Sambal Matah Recipe (Bali Style Raw Sambal) » Indonesia Eats

Note: if you like salty taste, add salt as desired. In this case, I didn’t add any, since mushroom soy sauce was pretty thick

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  1. pigpigscorner February 9, 2009 At 7:41 AMThis sounds delicious! What wonderful flavours. I'm addicted to kecap manis =)Reply
  2. Mochachocolata Rita February 9, 2009 At 11:29 AMdoyan doyan doyan….and aku ora gampang eneg kok sama semur lidah hihihihi…Reply
  3. Selba February 9, 2009 At 11:41 AMOh…. yummy… looks so delicious! But seriously, I'm a little bit affraid of eating tongue in big size… prefer it's cut in small dice or like sate padang 😀Reply
  4. Indonesia-Eats February 9, 2009 At 11:50 AM@ Pigpigscorner: welcome to my world! :). Me, my husband and Rita are also a big fan of kecap [email protected] Rita: [email protected] Selba: I may make sate padang soon. Want some?Reply
  5. Selba February 9, 2009 At 12:11 PMYay! save one plate for me! 😀Reply
  6. pigpigscorner February 9, 2009 At 2:41 PMThis sounds delicious! What wonderful flavours. I’m addicted to kecap manis =)Reply
  7. Mochachocolata Rita February 9, 2009 At 6:29 PMdoyan doyan doyan….and aku ora gampang eneg kok sama semur lidah hihihihi…Reply
  8. Selba February 9, 2009 At 6:41 PMOh…. yummy… looks so delicious! But seriously, I’m a little bit affraid of eating tongue in big size… prefer it’s cut in small dice or like sate padang 😀Reply
  9. Indonesia-Eats February 9, 2009 At 6:50 PM@ Pigpigscorner: welcome to my world! :). Me, my husband and Rita are also a big fan of kecap manis@ Rita: mreneee@ Selba: I may make sate padang soon. Want some?Reply
  10. Selba February 9, 2009 At 7:11 PMYay! save one plate for me! 😀Reply
  11. A.G February 9, 2009 At 9:30 PMkecap manis.. emang hubby loves kecap manis… kl makan berkuah suka dikecapin wkwkwkReply
  12. A.G February 10, 2009 At 4:30 AMkecap manis.. emang hubby loves kecap manis… kl makan berkuah suka dikecapin wkwkwkReply
  13. Fitri February 11, 2009 At 8:10 AMsemur nya bikin kangen say..Reply
  14. Ipoet - Gata's February 11, 2009 At 2:28 PMsuka fotonya mbak..ijonya seger banget..semur lidah aku juga doyan banget…Reply
  15. Fitri February 11, 2009 At 3:10 PMsemur nya bikin kangen say..Reply
  16. Ipoet - Gata's Mom February 11, 2009 At 9:28 PMsuka fotonya mbak..ijonya seger banget..semur lidah aku juga doyan banget…Reply
  17. Salt N Turmeric February 12, 2009 At 3:02 AMPepy, i can eat ox tongue but for the life of me, i dont know how to clean or cut them. Do you think you can show step-by-step pic the next time you clean them? Thanks Pepy!Reply
  18. Salt N Turmeric February 12, 2009 At 10:02 AMPepy, i can eat ox tongue but for the life of me, i dont know how to clean or cut them. Do you think you can show step-by-step pic the next time you clean them? Thanks Pepy!Reply
  19. tigerfish February 13, 2009 At 8:12 PMYum yum…I like braised stew 🙂Reply
  20. tigerfish February 14, 2009 At 3:12 AMYum yum…I like braised stew 🙂Reply
  21. Little Corner of Min February 17, 2009 At 3:04 AMAre those big pieces Ox tongue? It looks like beef a lot. Can you tell I never have ox tongue before? 😛Reply
  22. Little Corner of Mine February 17, 2009 At 10:04 AMAre those big pieces Ox tongue? It looks like beef a lot. Can you tell I never have ox tongue before? 😛Reply
  23. Cynthia February 18, 2009 At 3:22 AMYou know I can't get around the idea of eating the tongue. I perhaps will have to wait until you cook it for me 🙂Reply
  24. Cynthia February 18, 2009 At 10:22 AMYou know I can’t get around the idea of eating the tongue. I perhaps will have to wait until you cook it for me 🙂Reply
  25. ceendy February 21, 2009 At 12:58 AMwow! at a glance ur blog looks irresistable!! i wonder how you mnage to make such beautiful indonesian foods, living in winnipeg. i'm also indonesian living in canada (toronto) to be exact) ^^i'll keep browsing on ur blog!Reply
  26. ceendy February 21, 2009 At 7:58 AMwow! at a glance ur blog looks irresistable!! i wonder how you mnage to make such beautiful indonesian foods, living in winnipeg. i’m also indonesian living in canada (toronto) to be exact) ^^i’ll keep browsing on ur blog!Reply
  27. The Nomadic Gourmet February 24, 2009 At 10:26 AMAsalaamu alaikum , Looks very delicious! and the ingredients seem very interesting. I've never had tongue before(those are the kinds of ingredients we use in the Caribbean), usually my parents eat those kinds of animal parts (tongue, eye, brain, etc). As a kid I was too grossed out to try it, but yours looks soo good, I think I'll make an exception. Lovely photo 🙂Reply
  28. The Nomadic Gourmet February 24, 2009 At 5:26 PMAsalaamu alaikum , Looks very delicious! and the ingredients seem very interesting. I’ve never had tongue before(those are the kinds of ingredients we use in the Caribbean), usually my parents eat those kinds of animal parts (tongue, eye, brain, etc). As a kid I was too grossed out to try it, but yours looks soo good, I think I’ll make an exception. Lovely photo 🙂Reply
  29. Jun February 28, 2009 At 12:43 AMhi pepy..m not used to this..but my hbby used to bring us to this one restaurant that served lidah goreng,,very crispy…bisa makan x?Reply
  30. Jun February 28, 2009 At 7:43 AMhi pepy..m not used to this..but my hbby used to bring us to this one restaurant that served lidah goreng,,very crispy…bisa makan x?Reply
  31. zurin March 2, 2009 At 2:55 AMHi ! just to let you know that I made you vegetable broth and posted it on my blog wth credit to you of course. hope you don't mind. was great!Reply
  32. zurin March 2, 2009 At 9:55 AMHi ! just to let you know that I made you vegetable broth and posted it on my blog wth credit to you of course. hope you don’t mind. was great!Reply
  33. zurin March 2, 2009 At 10:14 AMHi Pepy, sorry for nt stating ur name on my blog. I wasnt sure as I saw only Budi's name and ther was no profile. 🙂 will get it in now. btw I love ur blog..real indonesian treats here…my grandparents are minang so like most malaysian malays were all originate from Indonesia anyway!love ur recipes…will be trying more !Reply
  34. zurin March 2, 2009 At 5:14 PMHi Pepy, sorry for nt stating ur name on my blog. I wasnt sure as I saw only Budi’s name and ther was no profile. 🙂 will get it in now. btw I love ur blog..real indonesian treats here…my grandparents are minang so like most malaysian malays were all originate from Indonesia anyway!love ur recipes…will be trying more !Reply
  35. Kevin March 7, 2009 At 5:28 AMI don't think I have ever had tongue before. The stew look good!Reply
  36. Kevin March 7, 2009 At 12:28 PMI don’t think I have ever had tongue before. The stew look good!Reply
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  38. Semur Betawi | Indonesia Eats November 3, 2011 At 8:50 PM[…] of semur on my blog before; semur ikan bawal (pompfret semur) which is my family’s recipe and semur lidah (oxtongue semur). Between these 3 semur recipes, there are some differences in spice. Semur Betawi is originally […]Reply
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