Kerang Hijau Saus Padang Recipe (Indonesian Chili Mussel) » Indonesia Eats

HomeEasy RecipesKerang Hijau Saus Padang Recipe (Indonesian Chili Mussel)March 26, 2008291ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddItEmailPrintTelegramMixLINE

Kerang Hijau Saus Padang is one of my favorite street hawkers food in Indonesia. On rear of the streets, where the pedestrians are supposed to walk, lots warungs (food vendors) with their carts and tents, they offer many kinds food. I used to go to warung seafood to get Kerang Saus Padang, which was one of my choices in the menu list.

Padang is very popular with the spiciness in food, it is also a capital city of Western Sumatra province. Let say Rendang, Sate Padang, Sanjay, several kinds of gulai (curry), you named it!

Kerang Saus Padang
Adapted from, Modified by me

1 frozen greenshell mussels, (454 g), no need to thaw, don’t need to scrub clean and remove the beards, they have been cleaned
water for boiling the mussels
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cm gingerroot, minced
150 g fresh peeled pineapple (I used canned pineapple), blended/grated
1 tbsp fresh lime juice
1/4 cup ketchup
2 tbsp Indonesian hot sauce (or put as much as desired), I used sambal cap jempol
1/4 cup clam juice
sugar and salt as desired

Spices to grind:
3 bird chilies (you can put as less/much as desired)
1 dried New Mexican chili (I like this chili for giving red bright color to food)
6 shallots
3 garlic
1/4 – 1/2 tsp terasi (dried shrimp paste)

Kerang Saus Padang 2

1. In a pot, bring water to a boil. Add mussels, cook for about 10-15 minutes
2. In a large skillet or saucepan, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add the ginger and ground spice and saute over moderate heat, stirring often until fragrant. Add ketchup, hot sauce, and sugar (if you need it, I don’t add any).
3. Add clam juice and mussels. Put salt as desired in also (I don’t add any, since I used terasi), cook until bubbling. Add pineapple and lime juice; stir. Bring to a boil and let the sauce thicken.

See also >>  Soto Babat Recipe (Indonesian Beef Tripe Soup) » Indonesia Eats

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  1. Dita March 27, 2008 At 7:20 AMYiippeeee dah bisa pake peekaboo view!!Btw, perasaan kite kalo masak bahannya suka hampir samaan deh. Pas lo bikin kerang saus padang ini, gw bikin udang asam manis. Dua-duanya judulnya seafood! 😛Reply
  2. Indonesia-Eats March 27, 2008 At 4:37 PMwakakaka makasiih yahh makkkemang sehati urusan makanan 😛Reply
  3. Evi March 27, 2008 At 5:08 PMyumm..cobain ya…, barusan beli mussel nih.Reply
  4. Indonesia-Eats March 27, 2008 At 5:23 PMmangga dicoba… kasih tau hasilnya yahhReply
  5. A.G March 28, 2008 At 3:34 AMwah wenak iku Pep.. slurup pedeseReply
  6. Indonesia-Eats March 28, 2008 At 9:44 AMiyoo pancen wenakkReply
  7. rita bellnad March 30, 2008 At 5:04 PMyang ini juga keren banget, pep… so donna hay gitu lhoReply
  8. Indonesia-Eats March 30, 2008 At 7:05 PMwakakakak si mbak penggemar Donna Hay juga yahhReply
  9. Finally Woken March 31, 2008 At 3:35 AMWhy oh why I have to read your blog. Now I miss both Indonesia AND Indonesian food, hix… :((. Oh kerang saus padang looks so yummy, I wish one of the Indonesian ladies would make it for me someday *lolReply
  10. Indonesia Eats March 31, 2008 At 9:41 AMit’s easy to make thoughReply
  11. Kepiting Saus Padang | Indonesia Eats September 11, 2011 At 3:15 AM[…] especially street food hawkers. They also sell another variant of Saus Padang with clam or mussel. Padang seems familiar to you, doesn’t it? About a month ago, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake […]Reply

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