Krengsengan Kambing Recipe (Eastern Javanese Stewed Goat) » Indonesia Eats

HomeRecipesIndonesian RecipesKrengsengan Kambing Recipe (Eastern Javanese Stewed Goat)January 10, 2009211ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddItEmailPrintTelegramMixLINE

Dhi of Cooking Etcera has made me craved for something with Petis which I used to have almost everyday while I was still in Sidoarjo, the city of Petis. A number of dishes in East Java province are enriched with Petis. Sidoarjo is one of the East Java cities that is used ample petis.

As a person who grew up in East Java, I know 3 variants of Petis. Petis Udang (Shrimp Paste), Petis Kupang (Tiny Shellfish Paste) and Petis Ikan (Fish Paste). I am very familiar with Petis Udang and Petis Kupang rather than Petis Ikan. Petis Ikan is well-known in Madura island (a small island in East Java province). Unlike Terasi or Belachan, Petis has a darker colour, gooey texture, stronger and richer flavour.

Petis Udang SidoarjoI still remember, when I was in elementary school. We went to canteen and bought kerupuks (Indonesian crackers) that were cooked with hot sand not fried with oil. The kerupuks were enjoyed with Petis Kupang sauce. We use petis for salad dressing mixture, dipping sauce of any fritters such as tofu, tempe, bakwan shrimp and vegetables fritters, and other Eastern Javanese dishes. Krengsengan Kambing is one of them that can be translated as Eastern Javanese Stewed Goat. About two years ago, I posted Krengsengan Daging, another style of Krengsengan with beef as the meat.

Krengsengan Kambing //Eastern Javanese Stewed Goat
Recipe by Cak Nono’s family, modified by me

500 gr goat for stew
2 tbsp Indonesian sweet soy sauce ( I’d rather use Cap Bango than ABC, but since I can not find Cap Bango for purchase in Winnipeg, I use ABC instead)
1 tbsp black shrimp paste (Indonesian: petis udang)
3 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil to saute
300 ml homemade shrimp broth
3 red chilli peppers, discard the seed, finely sliced

6 shallots
3 cloves garlic
6 bird’s eye chilies
1 tsp ground white pepper
1 large tomato
seasalt as desired

1. Marinate goat with sweet soy sauce and petis udang for 15 – 30 minutes.
2. Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat, add gound/pureed mixture, saute until fragrant. Add goatt, stir thru until the goat stiff and add broth. Cover the skillet with lid and cook in medium heat, stir occasionally until the meats are tender and the water almost evaporates.
3. Uncover the skillet, keep stirring until the oil of meats come out.
4. Add red chilli peppers, stir until soft. Remove from heat and serve with warmed rice.

See also >>  Fried Wonton Recipe (Pangsit Goreng) » Indonesia Eats

Cook’s Note:
To get faster cooking process and tender meat, use pressured cooker.

Related Posts of Petis:
Krengsengan Daging (East Java Stewed Beef)“>Tahu Tempe Bumbu Petis (Tofu and Tempeh Braised in Petis Sauce)
Grilled Mackerel with Petis Sambal

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  1. Masak sehat by Yuni January 10, 2009 At 5:37 PMSekali lg: foto2nya keren. Gmn neh ma rencana projek kita? Aku lg mikirkan teknisnya krn mbk kan di LN…Reply
  2. Indonesia-Eats January 10, 2009 At 5:42 PMmakasihItu dia mbak..aku khan perlu pernah bikin tuhh jadi mohon bimbingannya :)email aku mbak ke indonesianinwinnipeg AT gmail DOT comReply
  3. Mochachocolata Rita January 10, 2009 At 10:41 PMwah durung pernah njajal iki pep….ngko tak tuku petis neng sebelah heheReply
  4. Masak sehat by Yuni January 11, 2009 At 12:37 AMSekali lg: foto2nya keren. Gmn neh ma rencana projek kita? Aku lg mikirkan teknisnya krn mbk kan di LN…Reply
  5. Indonesia-Eats January 11, 2009 At 12:42 AMmakasihItu dia mbak..aku khan perlu pernah bikin tuhh jadi mohon bimbingannya 🙂email aku mbak ke indonesianinwinnipeg AT gmail DOT comReply
  6. Mochachocolata Rita January 11, 2009 At 5:41 AMwah durung pernah njajal iki pep….ngko tak tuku petis neng sebelah heheReply
  7. Rurie January 11, 2009 At 9:26 AMNgences dgn sukses Pep…….pancine aku pengen……..uncalno merene donk :D:DReply
  8. deeTha January 11, 2009 At 1:30 PMmbokeee… miss û…. lah ng kene onok krengsengan jg.. hui..hui..Reply
  9. Indonesia-Eats January 11, 2009 At 2:34 PM@ Mochachocolata Rita: hayo hayo [email protected] Rurie: asyikk iso garai Rurie [email protected] Deetha: mbakyu aku ngebuzz awakmu ra ono jawabanReply
  10. Rurie January 11, 2009 At 4:26 PMNgences dgn sukses Pep…….pancine aku pengen……..uncalno merene donk :D:DReply
  11. deeTha January 11, 2009 At 8:30 PMmbokeee… miss û…. lah ng kene onok krengsengan jg.. hui..hui..Reply
  12. Indonesia-Eats January 11, 2009 At 9:34 PM@ Mochachocolata Rita: hayo hayo ndang@ Rurie: asyikk iso garai Rurie ngiler@ Deetha: mbakyu aku ngebuzz awakmu ra ono jawabanReply
  13. Marc @ NoRecipes January 12, 2009 At 5:22 AMLooks so good. I wish there were a place I could get goat around here, but I guess I'll have to try it with some lamb.Reply
  14. Indonesia-Eats January 12, 2009 At 7:23 AMFor sure, you can substitute for lamb, it will be faster to cook too.Reply
  15. Marc @ NoRecipes January 12, 2009 At 12:22 PMLooks so good. I wish there were a place I could get goat around here, but I guess I’ll have to try it with some lamb.Reply
  16. Indonesia-Eats January 12, 2009 At 2:23 PMFor sure, you can substitute for lamb, it will be faster to cook too.Reply
  17. A.G January 12, 2009 At 11:47 PMiku panci kyk ducth oven kah Pep ?Reply
  18. Indonesia-Eats January 12, 2009 At 11:56 PMdudu Yin, itu bukan panci, itu mini casserole dish modelnya kyk ramekin cuman 10cm diameternya. cuman bs buat baking gak bs buat dia ats komporReply
  19. A.G January 13, 2009 At 6:47 AMiku panci kyk ducth oven kah Pep ?Reply
  20. Indonesia-Eats January 13, 2009 At 6:56 AMdudu Yin, itu bukan panci, itu mini casserole dish modelnya kyk ramekin cuman 10cm diameternya. cuman bs buat baking gak bs buat dia ats komporReply
  21. Kevin January 13, 2009 At 12:47 PMThis sound tasty! I am going to have to look for goat meat.Reply
  22. pigpigscorner January 13, 2009 At 7:40 PMwow this looks amazing!Reply
  23. Kevin January 13, 2009 At 7:47 PMThis sound tasty! I am going to have to look for goat meat.Reply
  24. Maya January 13, 2009 At 10:19 PMThanks for posting this recipe!Reply
  25. Dhi January 13, 2009 At 11:10 PMWah, tengkyu Pep, diposting resep krengsengannya. Pasti gw coba besok. Makasih ya….Reply
  26. Jun @ IndoChine Kitc January 14, 2009 At 1:49 AMI love the red pot you used in the shot! So cute. One silly question. Is petis udang the same thing as belacan?Reply
  27. Indonesia-Eats January 14, 2009 At 2:06 AM@ Kevin: I'll wait for your post. Hope you can find petis udang at Asian markets in [email protected] PigPigscorner: [email protected] Maya and Dhi: You're [email protected] Jun @ IndoChine Kitchen: as I mentioned above, that petis is not the same like terasi or belachan. It's gooey texture, stronger and richer flavour. Thanks for stopping by.Reply
  28. pigpigscorner January 14, 2009 At 2:40 AMwow this looks amazing!Reply
  29. Lidia Sianturi January 14, 2009 At 4:31 AMpep yg di ingredients shrimp paste itu trasi opo petis udange kuwi? soale aku cari2 kok ga ada tuh di ingredients petis udange? opo aku kliwatan yo?Reply
  30. Maya January 14, 2009 At 5:19 AMThanks for posting this recipe!Reply
  31. Indonesia-Eats January 14, 2009 At 5:23 AMada di ingredient aku nyebutnya shrimp paste, nat tak tambahin bahs indo ne,. kalo aku nyebut dried shrimp paste baru refer ke terasi udangReply
  32. Dhi January 14, 2009 At 6:10 AMWah, tengkyu Pep, diposting resep krengsengannya. Pasti gw coba besok. Makasih ya….Reply
  33. Jun @ IndoChine Kitchen January 14, 2009 At 8:49 AMI love the red pot you used in the shot! So cute.One silly question. Is petis udang the same thing as belacan?Reply
  34. Indonesia-Eats January 14, 2009 At 9:06 AM@ Kevin: I’ll wait for your post. Hope you can find petis udang at Asian markets in Ontario.@ PigPigscorner: thanks@ Maya and Dhi: You’re welcome.@ Jun @ IndoChine Kitchen: as I mentioned above, that petis is not the same like terasi or belachan. It’s gooey texture, stronger and richer flavour. Thanks for stopping by.Reply
  35. Lidia Sianturi January 14, 2009 At 11:31 AMpep yg di ingredients shrimp paste itu trasi opo petis udange kuwi? soale aku cari2 kok ga ada tuh di ingredients petis udange? opo aku kliwatan yo?Reply
  36. Indonesia-Eats January 14, 2009 At 12:23 PMada di ingredient aku nyebutnya shrimp paste, nat tak tambahin bahs indo ne,. kalo aku nyebut dried shrimp paste baru refer ke terasi udangReply
  37. Dhi January 14, 2009 At 2:44 PMpoto krengsengan kambing lo gw comot ya Pep, buat taro di blog gw, link ke elo 😀 TengkiuReply
  38. Indonesia-Eats January 14, 2009 At 2:53 PMcomot sajahhh 🙂 tapi bagiin cheesecake yahhReply
  39. Evi January 14, 2009 At 6:49 PMPep, belum pernah bikin yang namanya krengsengan. Bisa jadi next week project nih :)thanks ya..Reply
  40. Dhi January 14, 2009 At 9:44 PMpoto krengsengan kambing lo gw comot ya Pep, buat taro di blog gw, link ke elo 😀 TengkiuReply
  41. Indonesia-Eats January 14, 2009 At 9:53 PMcomot sajahhh 🙂 tapi bagiin cheesecake yahhReply
  42. Evi January 15, 2009 At 1:49 AMPep, belum pernah bikin yang namanya krengsengan. Bisa jadi next week project nih :)thanks ya..Reply
See also >>  Sate Cumi Kecap Recipe (Squid Saté with Sweet Soy Sauce) » Indonesia Eats

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