Lombok Kethok Recipe (Javanese Stir Fried Chilies) » Indonesia Eats

HomeCultureLombok Kethok Recipe (Javanese Stir Fried Chilies)November 29, 2010113ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddItEmailPrintTelegramMixLINE
This is my second time to do a guest post for another Malaysian blogger. Thank you to Ann for the opportunity. Unfortunately, I kept postponing the write-up. Sorry Ann for that.

Ann of Pigpigscorner is one of the bloggers who has made me drooled over her food pictures. I’m flattered when she asked me to be her blog’s guest post. Then I asked her any suggestion for recipe that I should present. She was saying that she was thinking an Indonesian food with kecap manis. Great! Both of us love this ingredient. As we came from neighbouring countries in South East Asia, we share many same things in food.

I have explained about kecap manis on my blog before, the history of it. The food that I’m going to represent here is a Javanese dish. Many Javanese foods (especially the Central Java) include kecap manis since the people from this area typically like sweeter foods. Lombok Kethok is literally translated as Cabai Potong in Indonesian or Chili Cut in English. For the name is chili cut, surely this dish contains lots of chili. Basically this is a stir fried chilies. FYI, some people wrote the name as lombok ketok (without h in between t and o) which has a different meaning, visible chili.

In this recipe, I used green chilies only and beef. Some people add red chilies (or red cayenne peppers) as well. The beauty of this dish, you can make it straight vegan by adding tempeh or tofu. Or else you can pour the stir fried over your grilled/fried fish.

Follow Lombok Kethok recipe at Pig Pig’s corner. Don’t forget to check my So Nice Giveaway.

FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddItEmailPrintTelegramMixLINEPrevious articleSo Nice Giveaway!Next articleBakmi Godhog Recipe (Java Style Boiled Noodle)Indonesia Eatshttps://indonesiaeats.comAn Indonesian-born who lived in Winnipeg Edmonton, Canada for more than a decade prior to move to Edmonton in 2017. Indonesia Eats is a memoir of her homeland.

  1. Retno Prihadana November 28, 2010 At 7:48 PMKethok lombok e ijo-ijo:)wah ueanaak iki…bikin ah pake tempe.Reply
  2. Anncoo November 29, 2010 At 12:24 AMMmm…looks so yum..yumm..Reply
  3. Joyce November 29, 2010 At 1:02 AMThat looks tasty but hot!!!!Reply
  4. Retno Prihadana November 29, 2010 At 2:48 AMKethok lombok e ijo-ijo:)wah ueanaak iki…bikin ah pake tempe.Reply
  5. Retno Prihadana November 29, 2010 At 2:48 AMReply
  6. Retno Prihadana November 29, 2010 At 2:48 AMReply
  7. Retno Prihadana November 29, 2010 At 2:48 AMReply
  8. [email protected] November 29, 2010 At 3:59 AMI can take the heat and I take this down right now! This looks incredible.Reply
  9. Little Corner of Min November 29, 2010 At 4:05 AMYummy, looks so delicious!Reply
  10. Anncoo November 29, 2010 At 7:24 AMMmm…looks so yum..yumm..Reply
  11. tigerfish November 29, 2010 At 7:25 AMMy hb will like this dish. He misses spicy food here!Reply
  12. vincent November 29, 2010 At 7:44 AMHello,We bumped into your blog and we really liked it – great recipes YUM YUM.We would like to add it to the Petitchef.com. We would be delighted if you could add your blog to Petitchef so that our users can, as us,enjoy your recipes. Petitchef is a french based Cooking recipes Portal. Several hundred Blogs are already membersand benefit from their exposure on Petitchef.com. To add your site to the Petitchef family you can use http://en.petitchef.com/?obj=front&action=sit… or just go to Petitchef.com and click on "Add your site" Best regards, Vincentpetitchef.comReply
  13. Joyce November 29, 2010 At 8:02 AMThat looks tasty but hot!!!!Reply
  14. [email protected] November 29, 2010 At 10:59 AMI can take the heat and I take this down right now! This looks incredible.Reply
  15. Little Corner of Mine November 29, 2010 At 11:05 AMYummy, looks so delicious!Reply
  16. tigerfish November 29, 2010 At 2:25 PMMy hb will like this dish. He misses spicy food here!Reply
  17. vincent November 29, 2010 At 2:44 PMHello,We bumped into your blog and we really liked it – great recipes YUM YUM.We would like to add it to the Petitchef.com.We would be delighted if you could add your blog to Petitchef so that our users can, as us,enjoy your recipes.Petitchef is a french based Cooking recipes Portal. Several hundred Blogs are already membersand benefit from their exposure on Petitchef.com.To add your site to the Petitchef family you can use http://en.petitchef.com/?obj=front&action=site_ajout_form or just go to Petitchef.com and click on "Add your site"Best regards,Vincentpetitchef.comReply
  18. Fireglass November 29, 2010 At 7:10 PMWow looks absolutely delicious!Reply
  19. Fireglass November 30, 2010 At 2:10 AMWow looks absolutely delicious!Reply
  20. Karin November 30, 2010 At 9:09 AMThis recipe sounds great. For several recipes with chilis using a Mexican theme, please visit my blog:http://cookthepart.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/a-busy-weekend-of-cooking-starting-with-a-lesson-in-chiles-en-nogada/I am writing a themed menu cookbook and will be referring to your site for my Indonesia chapter. Thanks!Reply
  21. Karin November 30, 2010 At 4:09 PMThis recipe sounds great. For several recipes with chilis using a Mexican theme, please visit my blog:http://cookthepart.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/a-busy-weekend-of-cooking-starting-with-a-lesson-in-chiles-en-nogada/I am writing a themed menu cookbook and will be referring to your site for my Indonesia chapter. Thanks!Reply
  22. eatgreek.net December 5, 2010 At 5:56 AMit looks colorful and tasty! 😀Reply
  23. eatgreek.net December 5, 2010 At 12:56 PMit looks colorful and tasty! 😀Reply
  24. Anonymous December 5, 2010 At 4:13 PMО! Very good stuff.Reply
  25. Anonymous December 5, 2010 At 11:13 PMО! Very good stuff.Reply
  26. 液晶モニター内蔵★ファイバースコープカメラ【ファイバーアイライト November 14, 2015 At 7:13 PM最近 Iによって|介して| 毎日 基礎毎日のを介して。あなたは、の負荷持って情報をこの時サイトインターネットサイトので、私実際にあなたは次のように現れる へあまりにも少し|} {ウェブに向かって。ショー結果 非常に最高の最高 !あなたがReply
See also >>  Kepiting Saus Padang Recipe (Indonesian Chili Crab) » Indonesia Eats

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