Milk and Molasses Enema Recipe, Dosing, Ratio, Mechanism, Directions
Jump to Recipe Print RecipeMolasses and milk Enema is a treatment for persistent constipation that combines milk and molasses. It acts as a bowel movement stimulant. It has a smoothing effect on the intestinal walls and promotes bowel peristalsis. It aids in the passage of feces. Itโs for those who have a really hard stool thatโs out of reach of a glove. The gut walls are thoroughly lubricated with water soluble gel in this scenario. The enema tube is subsequently inserted. Enema softens the stool, making it easier to pass.
What Is a Milk and Molasses Enema?
An enema of milk and molasses is often used to treat severe constipation, particularly if an impaction has developed. Although liquid milk can be used, some people prefer to combine powdered milk and water with equal portions molasses. Because blackstrap molasses is the strongest type of molasses available, it is commonly utilized. This form of enema should be used with extreme caution since it might cause severe cramps. Anyone who has a dairy allergy or is lactose intolerant should avoid this treatment approach.
To create the enema, combine equal parts milk and molasses in a small saucepan and boil until the molasses dissolves readily in the milk. Itโs important to keep in mind that the combination shouldnโt be too hot to damage skin tissue. After that, the mixture is placed in an enema bag. The bag should be lightly shaken just before performing the enema to ensure that the contents are completely mixed together.
The enema tube should be well lubricated before being gently placed into the rectum for a few inches (or centimeters). The bag should be held high in the air until the entire contents of the bag have entered the rectum. Before defecating, the patient should try to keep the fluid inside the rectum for as long as feasible. This procedure can be repeated every six hours until the bowels are completely empty.
In most cases, the enema provides results practically immediately. When sending the fluid into the rectum, a retention nozzle can be utilized to keep the liquid from leaking out before the correct amount has been consumed. Some people choose to use a retention plug to keep the mixture in for as long as necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.
Due to the significant volume of intestinal gases created by the usage of this constipation cure, several patients have reported severe cramping and abdominal pain after utilizing a milk and molasses enema. Those with dairy allergies or sensitivities will need to find an alternative form of constipation treatment. Although rare, major consequences have been documented among persons who have used this type of therapy. As a result, any concerns or queries about the enema mixtureโs safety should be handled with a doctor or other medical practitioner.
Milk and Molasses Enema Recipe
There are various milk and molasses enemas recipes available, however the most common one appears to be:
- 4.5oz molasses
- 3oz powdered milk
- 8oz warm water
Fill a leak-proof container halfway with powdered milk and water. Shake the container again until the powdered milk and water are uniformly distributed and no milk powder is visible floating around in the mixture. Then, while the water is still warm, add the molasses, close the lid, and shake until the mixture seems uniform in color. Youโre ready to move on to the following stage now that you know the contents are well combined.
Fill an enema bag, which is a small pouch with a nozzle on one end that can be purchased at most pharmacies, with the contents of the container. Then, according to the instructions, administer the enema to your system. The nozzle must be inserted as high in your colon as it can comfortably go for this type of enema. Itโs common practice to keep the beverage in your body for 20 minutes.
Warm liquid milk can be substituted with the powdered milk and warm water. If you prefer to use this method, continue with the procedures after shaking the powdered milk and water.
Milk and Molasses Enema Recipe
There are several recipes out there for milk and molasses enemas, but the most standard one seems to be: Print Recipe Pin RecipePrep Time 25minsTotal Time 25mins
- 4.5ozmolasses
- 3ozpowdered milk
- 8ozwarm water
- Place the powdered milk and water in a sealed container that does not leak. Then, proceed to shake the container until the powdered milk and water are evenly distributed and you no longer see any milk powder floating around in the mixture. Next, while the water is still warm, add the molasses, seal the lid, and shake again until the mixture appears to have a uniform color. Now you know that the contents are mixed well and you are ready to move on to the next step.
- Pour the contents of the container into an enema bag, which is a small pouch with a nozzle on one end that can be purchased from most pharmacies. Then follow the directions on how to administer the enema into your system. This particular type of enema requires insertion of the nozzle as high in your colon as it can comfortably go. It is often recommended to hold the liquid in your body for around 20 minutes.
- Warm liquid milk may also be used in replacement of the powdered milk and warm water. If you choose to use this, proceed with the steps directly after the step to shake the powdered milk and water.
Milk and Molasses Enema Why Does it Work?
One of the earliest types of enemas is milk and molasses enemas. This is largely due to the low cost of the ingredients, which can be found at most grocery stores. Milk and molasses enemas are powerful, but most individuals tolerate them well. If you have a pre-existing ailment that you suspect may make an enema harmful for you, always seek medical advice.
Sugars in milk and molasses soften hard, impacted feces, allowing them to be removed from the system. The sugars also irritate the lining of the intestines, making it simpler for impacted feces to be evacuated. Gas may be produced as a result of the irritation, which can be an unpleasant side effect of the enema but is an indication that stuff in the colon is beginning to move along as the bodyโs pressure rises. When given orally or via an enema, molasses is a well-known therapy for constipation.
Warm liquids also help to encourage bowel motions. This is why the recipe calls for warm water that isnโt too hot to cause damage to the gut lining.
Who Invented Milk and Molasses Enema?
For many years, constipated persons and others who need to clear their bowels before surgery have used milk and molasses enemas. Enemas have been mentioned in ancient literature for thousands of years. According to some sources, the milk and molasses enema was first used by patients in India. Charles Browne Fleet invented the enema as we know it today, which involves squeezing a disposable bag into your system.
Milk and Molasses Enema Ratio
The temperature should be kept at 103ยฐ Fahrenheit while making the milk and molasses enema. Take 16 ounces of warm milk and the same amount of warm molasses. On a sauce pan, combine the milk and molasses and pour into an enema bag. One portion of the milk and molasses mixture can be tallied, and an equal amount of water can be added to it. After adding water, the enema will be divided into two halves. Set the temperature of the enema bag to 103 degrees Fahrenheit. In the production of an enema, the ratio of milk to molasses is 1:1, and water is only added to make up the volume.
In a sauce pan, pour 16 ounces of milk. Bring the water to a boil. Now add the molasses. Because of its rich flavor, the black strap variety of molasses is suggested. In order to make enema, equal volumes of milk and molasses are required. Remove the sauce pan from the heat after adding the molasses. Stirring should be done indefinitely. The addition of molasses lowers the temperature automatically. Reduce the temperature to 102ยฐF, which is the ideal temperature for administering a milk and molasses enema.
Milk and Molasses Enema Dosing
A tube is used to insert a milk and molasses enema into the intestine. The tubeโs end has been thoroughly greased so that it can easily pass through the opening. First, the tube is placed a few inches within the rectum, and the enema bag is raised to allow the enema to flow freely inside. The patient is instructed to maintain enema pressure inside the rectum for as long as possible. He is then permitted to pass stool. The practice is continued every 6 hours until all of the feces has passed out of the body. It helps to cleanse the intestines without causing pain.
Milk and Molasses Enema Mechanism
The enema of milk and molasses acts as an osmotic agent. Osmotic agents operate by keeping the colon and rectum wet. The moisture absorbs into the gut walls and aids in stool passage. Enema with milk and molasses lowers the pH of the colon and rectum, making it smoother. Milk and molasses enema enhances intestinal peristalsis because of its moisture-retaining properties. Osmotic agents have a high sugar content, which aids in bowel movement. The primary mechanism of action of the milk and molasses enema is as follows.
Directions for a Milk and Molasses Enema
In the case of a milk and molasses enema, the milk is cooked first in a sauce pan before adding the molasses. Then, to make up the volume, water is added, and the temperature is maintained at the end. You can also use dry milk. In a jar, combine water and powdered milk and shake vigorously. Molasses is added after mixing, and the mixture is shaken again. Pour the mixture into an enema bag once itโs finished mixing. If weโre talking about usage instructions, a milk and molasses enema should be administered every 6 hours until the colon is clear.