Rise Brewing Co Serves The Nitro Infused Cold Brew Coffee – Discover Food Tech

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Just like tea, Coffee too has made its place among Indians. In 1670, a Muslim saint on his way back from Mecca smuggled few coffee beans from Yemen and planted them in Mysore, India. Voila, today it stands as the 6th largest producer. India’s tea culture is shifting gradually towards a delicious coffee culture.

Over the years, a lot of innovation has been seen in the style and methods of consumption for coffee. From the time it was considered a drink for privileged, today it’s enjoyed by the masses. Thanks to the cool cafes with so much creativity and love for coffee that the phrase “A lot can happen over a coffee” has become quite evident. From latte, espresso, cappuccino to iced coffee; cafes like Starbucks have so much more to offer than just a traditional cup of coffee. Speaking of creativity and coffee, have you heard of cold brewed coffee? Sounds interesting, isn’t it?

Let’s explore more about it and about a US-based company called Cold Brewed Coffee Company.

Rise Brewing Co | Image Source – Risebrewingco.com

What is “cold brewed coffee”?

So, cold brewed coffee is prepared by steeping the coarsely grounded coffee in cold or room temperature water with a 12-24 hr steep time. The concentrate thus obtained is filtered out and cold brew coffee concentrate is ready. Since it has been steeped in water and never exposed to heat, it’s a bit mellower on taste and less acidic for the gut. It can be enjoyed with ice. Since its a concentrate, you might want to dilute it before you drink.

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Origin| Cold Brew Coffee Company

Gary Riccini, founder of Cold Brew Coffee Company started his journey into cold brew with a medical problem. About two and half years ago, while working for an investment firm in Connecticut, USA. He was traveling to Philadelphia with some of the potential clients. On returning and moving to a newly bought house in Cheshire Connecticut, he wasn’t feeling healthy from a past few days. He’s absolutely not a “hospital person” as he describes himself, yet he decided to visit. His blood test showed a low platelet count and they advised him to go and visit a Haematologist, basically a cancer specialist.

Life was for crazy for him. By August 2014, his oldest son turned one, had another one on the way, he just moved in and then this. He describes it as “a lot of life going on for him”. By November 2014, he had lost work, the medication and drugs caused his mental and emotional health go hay way. Reluctant to go for therapy, in February 2015 he had an intervention.

Meanwhile being in a state of depression and medication, he started to buy a lot of coffee from Amazon and other specialty websites. He became really passionate about it. One day he stumbled upon an article on “cold brew coffee” and he wanted to instantly try it. He started off with a great Ethiopian Sidamo (air–roasted Ethiopian coffee) he just bought and he tasted flavors that he hasn’t in his life. He saw his depression going away with coming into cold brew.

And that’s how he started the company. In April 2016, he teamed up with his brother-in-law who was in the food business. Having that wit to come back, he decided to make and sold cold brew.

Their USP

Cold Brew Coffee Company specializes in brewing and bottling cold brew coffee in various forms. He prepares them using his own organic brand of coffee and currently is bottling his product in Meriden, Connecticut.

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With the amount of distribution he is capable of, he claims to be the only cold brew coffee company within Connecticut. He is neither a coffee grocer nor does he own a coffee shop. He just fell in love with the cold brew and he wants to be known for it only. This is what that makes him unique in this business.

Image Source – risebrewingco.com


He calls himself a pretty “Straight-forward” guy and not at all funky. So he’s running back and forth in his house saying names of companies to himself. With how direct he was, he stumbled upon the name Cold Brew Coffee Company. And that’s it. For once he thought, “could it be that simple?” So far the answer is yes.


It’s interesting to note that the color of the can is blue. This color signifies a lot of things. His father happens to be Italian and he has grown up watching soccer. Also, it happens to be his favorite color. But when he started Cold Brew, he did a lot of market research. He found out people used dark colors like black, brown to emphasize on the fact that its coffee. But in Gary’s Cold Brew is well clean and brewed cold. He recalls in an interview, “It represents cold, clean and pure coffee.” He wanted his product to be different, a true representation of him. On the cans, he has watermark prints of creative skulls which according to him represents the celebration of life.

Products| Rise Brewing Co

Initially, Gary started with Cold brew Nitro Coffee cans that are available in a pack of 6 and 12 and 12 oz package of Whole Bean Single Estate Columbian Coffee. He later launched half a gallon sized bottles of his original blend, which is being served in about 50 restaurants in Connecticut. It’s organic and little bit more concentrated than the Nitro cans, but its an ultra-premium and ultra smooth blend. Apart from coffee, there are few merchandises like t-shirt and hoodies.

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Rise Brewing Co Flavors | Image Source – risebrewingco.com

In June 2017, he launched cold brewed tea products infused with nitrogen. They are available in two variants; Guava Mango Black Iced Tea and Nitro Cold Brew Tropical Green Tea.

Cold Brew Nitro Coffee

Gary sells Nitro Coffee in cans that’s made up of his own single estate coffee. He describes making Nitro Coffee “a lesson in science”. Nitrogen is a major component (about 70%) of air. We just need to harness its power and blend it in our coffee. On the cans, instructions are available. Just shake the can, open, pour and enjoy.

While those who don’t prefer cans, the same can be made using cold brew coffee concentrate. Just pour the concentrate into a glass and blend it using a hand blender for about 5-10 seconds. Voila, your own Cold Brew Nitro Coffee is ready. Due to the rapid agitation of cold brew concentrate, nitrogen gets incorporated and you get a frothy, creamy Nitro Coffee. When tasted for the first time, its all about the new, true and vibrant flavors of coffee that’s very different from what Starbucks or any coffee chain has to offer.

Gary Riccini is still working in the investment sector but wants to start full-time into this business. His passion and love for cold brew has helped him cure his serious health condition and fight his depression. He had absolutely no background in this business but hopes to make it big eventually. He says if you have an idea and just go for it. You will eventually figure it out, no matter whatever small thing it is.

It’s all about finding the light.







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