Sambal Bakso Recipe (Sambal for Indonesian Meatballs Soup) » Indonesia Eats

HomeEasy RecipesSambal Bakso Recipe (Sambal for Indonesian Meatballs Soup)June 15, 2010976ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddItEmailPrintTelegramMixLINE

Sambal bakso is an important condiment to enjoy bakso and mie ayam jamur (chicken and mushroom noodle).

About 3 years ago, I bought a jar of sambal bakso “Megahsari” from Tante Grace in Vancouver. Most Indonesians who live in Western Canada know her and her workshop. She carries a wide selection of Indonesian products. When I did my visit to her workshop, I noticed that she has in stock some brands which Asian markets or online Asian stores don’t have. It means it’s only popular among the Indonesians who love cooking.

As I still had lots of bird eyes chilies (paddy chilies), I was thinking to use up all those chilies. Plus, making sambal bakso is pretty easy.

Sambal Bakso

100 g red bird eyes chilies (red paddy chilies)
1/4 tsp sugar
3 tbsp canesugar vinegar (Indonesian: cuka lahang)
bakso broth

Steam the chilies until soften. Process steamed chilies, salt and sugar in a food processor. Mix vinegar and bakso broth. Taste the sambal. It should be very hot with slightly a tangy and salty taste. If you like more tangy and salty flavour, add more vinegar and salt to adjust your liking.

1. Reboil the bakso broth before adding into chili mixture.

2. To have a longer shelf life, keep the sambal in a glass jar. Make sure to sterilize the jar before using it in boiling water for 15 minutes or in a 225ºF oven for 10 minutes.

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  1. Little Corner of Mine June 15, 2010 At 4:29 PMWow, the color and spiciness is calling out to me.Reply
  2. Lia Chen June 15, 2010 At 7:57 PMSambal is a must when eating 'bakso'. How long can you keep your homemade sambal in the fridge Pep?Reply
  3. Indonesia-Eats June 15, 2010 At 8:15 PMLCOM: bright colour is attracting the eyesLia: This is my first time making sambal bakso. I don't know how long I can keep this. But my sambal terasi was last until 3 months or so. As long as you keep everything hygieneReply
  4. pigpigscorner June 16, 2010 At 2:31 AMI like how you used the bakso broth in this! Looks and sounds so tasty!Reply
  5. deeTha H June 16, 2010 At 7:20 AMmantab…cuka lahang?ohohohohoReply
  6. Indonesia-Eats June 16, 2010 At 1:14 PMPigpigsorner: in case you don't have the bakso broth, you can use any broth.Deetha: org jawa barat kenal dgn cuka lahang. Ntar yahh pembahasannyaReply
  7. zenchef June 16, 2010 At 8:37 PMThis looks seriously awesome! I take a jar to go please! 🙂 Beautiful stuff!Reply
  8. Indonesia-Eats June 16, 2010 At 8:57 PMFor sure Zen! Take another additional jar if you want 🙂Reply
  9. noobcook June 16, 2010 At 9:36 PMsambal sambal … I can never get enough of it these days, and lucky I have you to feed me the beautiful photos of all the different versions heheReply
  10. Bakso (Indonesian Meatball Soup) | Indonesia Eats October 19, 2012 At 7:57 PM[…] and bean sprouts. Add ladles of broth over. Place the fried wonton on the side. Enjoy bakso with sambal bakso. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with […]Reply
  11. sambal bakso | Makanan Siap Saji December 6, 2012 At 2:35 AM[…] […]Reply
  12. Mie Ayam Jamur (Indonesian Chicken Mushroom Noodle) Recipe | Indonesia Eats January 25, 2013 At 12:12 AM[…] Ingredients: fresh ramen, boiled until cooked chicken oil steamed/boiled/fried pangsit (wontons) bakso (meatballs) blanched yuey choy sambal bakso […]Reply
  13. sambal bakso | Online One Stop Info March 12, 2013 At 2:45 AM[…] […]Reply
  14. [email protected] November 27, 2016 At 12:43 PMmaaf mbak, kebetulan saya tinggal di Spanyol, kalo gak ada cuka lahang, kira2 apa ya penggantinya ? terimakasih mbaaak…….,Reply
See also >>  Ayam Garo Rica Recipe (Manado Chili and Lime Basil Chicken) » Indonesia Eats

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