Shiitake Mushroom - The Wonder Mushroom

Most of us are aware of mushrooms. It is the best alternative for vegetarians other than usual vegetables. As we know mushrooms belong to the Kingdom Fungi of family Basidiomycetes . More appropriately it is an edible fungus which has no roots, leaves, seeds .There are numerous varieties of mushroom and here we are focusing on SHIITAKE MUSHROOM . The name derived as โ€œshiiโ€œmeans a type of wood and โ€œtakeโ€ means mushroom . It is also named as โ€œBlack forest mushroomโ€. It is of East Asian origin and is widely used in Japanese and Chinese recipes. After going through several experiments and researches scientists have found out the advantages of using it . It has a wide contribution in the field of food technology and it is an emerging variety having ample of health benefits.

shiitake mushroom cultivation

Shiitake mushroom cultivation

We grow Shiitake mushroom widely in Asian countries. It is now becoming popular in the markets of the USA with the share of the third most widely used mushroom in the world. It is a versatile food which can be taken in any form. However, the raw form provides more health benefits. When it undergoes any processing or heat treatment some of its nutritional value is lost .

Nutritional Values of Shiitake Mushroom :

Shiitake Mushroom Nutritional Qualities


What Makes It Different From Other Variety

Benefits Of Shiitake Mushroom :

  • Shiitake mushroom contains high molecular weight polysaccharides which enhance the immune system of our body. The eritadenin compound present in it helps in lowering down the cholesterol level in blood.
  • It contains lentinan compound which helps to protect the body from the attack of foreign materials and allergens . According to the American Cancer Society, it also helps in prevention of cancer.
  • According to a research team of American Chemical Society , it has a powerful antioxidant L-ergothioneine . This compound helps in fighting with cancer by preventing mutation of cells.
  • It blocks the formation of proteinaceous adhesion molecules in the blood vessel. Adhesion molecules cause atherosclerosis by blocking the passage of blood flow.
  • Shittake mushroom also contains eight essential amino acids and essential fatty acid linoleic acid which help in body building and reducing weight . It has the ability to reduce fat . Its fiber content help in enhancing the digestibility of food.
  • It is a very good source of iron that too from non-animal origin . The supplemental iron is present in form of ferrous gluconate. It has increased bioavailability.
  • It is a rich source of vitamin B-complex which help in the formation of red blood cells and prevent anemia. Cooking the mushroom hampers its nutritional quality and vitamin loss occurs. Hence we prefer to eat it in raw form.Dried shiitake mushroom
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Cons Of Shiitake Mushroom :

  • It may cause allergy reactions in some peoples and may cause skin irritation. Symptoms may appear as increased heartbeat , increased inspiration rate or swellings on skin.
  • According to โ€œJournal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,โ€ consumption of 4 Kg of mushroom over 10 weeks may cause blood eosinophilia. The symptoms can be related to gastrointestinal tract variations due to increased consumption of shiitake mushroom.
  • It also causes Japanese dermatitis in which we find skin lesions. It also causes photosensitivity of skin .

However, apart from its cons, it has many health benefits . It also has medicinal consequences. It gives the best result when we consume it in raw form. And because of this mushroom lovers choose it more likely than other varieties.

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