The Good Dish These Are the Only 3 Pans Your Kitchen Needs

Many of us have inherited old pots and pans from family members when starting out in our first apartment. And then we moved into our first real homes and got brand new sets โ€” and somehow our cabinets are now bursting with more pots and pans than we can use! So what do you keep and what to you toss? What is the best skillet to cook eggs in โ€” or veggies or meat? Daphne, Jamika, and Gail reveal the only three skills every home needs! Let's get cooking.

No matter if you are making, soups, stews, or even pasta, this pot is a one-stop for creating beautiful flavors. Daphne likes that it's "really easy to clean while still being great for achieving that gorgeous browning that you want on roast or just to sear off vegetables and things as you're making soups." This pan also includes the perfect lid. Built with small nodes that help to create circulation while your soups, sauces, or any other liquids are developing.

Try this recipe with your Enameled Cast Iron Duch Oven: Brooke Shields' Italian Pot Roast With Potatoes & Carrots

We have all been there: you make a beautiful pan of fish or eggs and when you go to remove your protein... it's stuck. A huge pain! This particular pan is built to help you with some of the hardest-to-cook foods. It is also known for being incredibly easy to clean out. Jamika likes that it's a quick, easy, clean. But you don't want to use abrasive pads or anything to scrub hard on it. You can usually just wipeout in the pan or give it a nice rinse, but it's easy on the go fast, and always reliable."

Try this recipe with your non-stick pan: Richard Blaisโ€™ Everything Crusted Ahi Tuna Steak

The grandfather of all great pans: the cast iron skillet. Made to be used on the stove, in the oven, on the grill, and even over an open flame! This skillet is made to last as well, Gail reminds us: "The thing that I love the most is that if you take care of this if you treat it well if you clean it properly, it will last forever." But remember to never use soap on your skillet, because all your food will end up tasting like it! Another magical thing about this skillet is that the longer you use it, the better it cooks your food. More oil and grease equals better "seasoning" for searing meat, releasing food, and easy clean up.

See also >>  The Good Dish How to Cook Bacon in the Microwave, Oven & Skillet

Try this recipe with your Cast Iron Skillet: Cornbread With BBQ Pulled Chicken & Collard Slaw

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